Prevention of occupational exposure to benzene at gas stations: actions of the Labor Inspection in Bahia, Brazil
chemical hazards, benzene, workplace, gas stations, occupational healthAbstract
Gas stations employ a large number of workers who are exposed to occupational hazards among the many vapors of liquid fuels that contain chemical compounds, including benzene, present in gasoline, which has a myelotoxic action and is recognized as a carcinogen for humans. In order to verify the control of the occupational exposure to benzene in gas stations, as well as the fulfillment of other requirements of the health and safety regulations at work, a state inspection project has been developed and put in action. 50.9% of the gas stations which employ 68.9% of the workers in the state were inspected. The irregularities detected during the inspections led to 3.419 fines, and a similar number of occupational health and safety conditions were corrected. The project result in a significant impact in correction of irregularities. This experience can be replicate in other states as well as other branches of activities.
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