Orna x Abusos S.A Case: A case study on sexual harassment and the action of organizations in front of complaints





Sexual harassment at work, gender iniquality, workplace violence, companies, prevention practices


Despite legal and social advances with the growing number of women in the labor market, it is still possible to observe discrimination and violence against them in professional relationships. Sexual harassment is one of them and will be the topic addressed here. We know that this type of violence is not practiced only to their detriment but considering the patriarchal roots structured in society, we will address with greater emphasis the sexual harassment that victims’ women. Violence and harassment in the work environment stem from unequal, asymmetrical relationships and these inequalities generate the greatest difficulty for people to react to this abusive conduct. In the labor sphere, sexual harassment is just one of the many ways to violate it, being part of the expressions of male dominance ingrained in society. This domain materializes due to the presence of unequal gender relations. The study of the case in question is relevant due to exposure and common violence, in which the woman is subjected every day. In the labor area, we can observe that this exposure and violence, characterized by harassment, takes on an extramural proportion, since it has negative consequences for the victim. Thus, it is common for women who suffer sexual harassment not even to realize that they are being harassed, and in noticeable cases, they often remain silent due to the need to keep their jobs and support their families. Finally, we will try to demonstrate how companies have been facing these cases and what prevention and combat practices have been adopted.


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Author Biography

Marcelle Pedatella, Universidade Federal do Pará – UFPA

Bacharela em Direito. Especialista em Direito do Trabalho e Direitos Humanos pela Universidade Federal do Pará – UFPA.



How to Cite

Pedatella, M. (2024). Orna x Abusos S.A Case: A case study on sexual harassment and the action of organizations in front of complaints. Laborare, 7(12), 11–31. https://doi.org/10.33637/2595-847x.2024-238



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