Special testimony and slave labour: the need to expand the special protection for victims in the Labour Justice


  • Aline Fabiana Campos Pereira Mestre em Direitos Humanos Aplicados pela Universidade de York, doutoranda em Direito pela Universidade de Nottingham, Reino Unido, Juíza na 9ª Vara do Trabalho de Natal. https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2567-7523




Procedural justice, procedural vulnerability, Law 13.431/2017


This article examines the special testimony, regulated by Law 13.431/2017 in cases of children and adolescents who were victims or witnesses of sexual violence. The special testimony must prioritize the protection, shelter and privacy of the child, who is entitled to qualified legal and specialized psychosocial assistance, during and after procedures before police or judicial authorities. We argue that the hypotheses of special testimony should go beyond the chronological markers of childhood and adolescence, to encompass other vulnerable persons, including victims of conditions analogous to slavery. The principle of human dignity and the theories of Procedural Justice offer support to this proposal.


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How to Cite

Campos Pereira, A. F. (2022). Special testimony and slave labour: the need to expand the special protection for victims in the Labour Justice. Laborare, 5(9), 55–71. https://doi.org/10.33637/2595-847x.2022-158



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