Public policies, social participation and the trans community: a debate about the centrality of work as a factor of dignified social inclusion in Brazil


  • Paulo Henrique Araújo da Silva Mestrando e Bacharel em Direito pela Universidade Federal do Pará. Especialista em Direitos Humanos e Movimentos Sociais pelo Centro Universitário Internacional. Integrante da Equipe de Pesquisa do Programa de Empregabilidade e Formação LGBTI+ da Universidade Federal do Pará. Servidor do Ministério Público de Contas do Estado do Pará.
  • Dafne Fernandez de Bastos Doutoranda e Mestre em direito pela Universidade Federal do Estado do Pará. Residente Jurídico na Clínica de Combate ao Trabalho Escravo da Universidade Federal do Estado do Pará. Analista de Controle Externo no Ministério Público de Contas do Estado do Pará.



Work, Trans Community, Public policy, 1988 Brazilian Constitution, Consensual Approach


This research studies how the centrality of work in the Brazilian legal system guides the possibilities of dignified social inclusion of the trans community in the country, with the objective of carrying out a systematic survey about what are the theoretical conjectures about the nature and consequences of violations suffered by trans people in the labor sphere. The promise of the 1988 Constitution to expand participatory instruments in the search for public policies designed for and by this group was also investigated. The method employed was hypothetical-deductive, from which a qualitative and exploratory bibliographical research was carried out, which resulted in three main conclusions: a) the insertion of the trans community in the labor market is crossed by the stigmas of productivity, informality , precariousness and degradation; b) only public policies with a transformative bias, which integrate redistribution and recognition, are effective in dealing with issues related to gender identity and diversity; c) conceiving public policies as participatory instruments means understanding both dignity and poverty as socially constructed concepts and favoring methodologies capable of capturing the perceptions of social actors who suffer from that problem and converting them into instruments for the elaboration of these policies.


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How to Cite

Silva, P. H. A. da, & Bastos, D. F. de. (2023). Public policies, social participation and the trans community: a debate about the centrality of work as a factor of dignified social inclusion in Brazil. Laborare, 6(11), 295–315.



Gênero, Trabalho, Interseccionalidades e Atravessamentos