Risk analysis of a horizontal lifeline active fall protection system used as edge protection in Brazilian Civil Construction
edge fall protection, flexible horizontal lifeline, risk analysis, occupational health and safety, civil constructionAbstract
In Brazilian construction industry, for more than a decade, edge fall protection have increasingly been done by means of active fall protection systems anchored in flexible horizontal lifelines instead of passive fall protection systems. However, in general, such usage has not been preceded by risk analysis recognizing existing risks and demonstrating the safety and suitability of such a system. This paper aims at carrying out such analysis. In that risk analysis, it was verified that there are several potentially serious or fatal risks in the use of active edge protection systems anchored in flexible horizontal lifelines. It is recommended to consider the use of control measures higher up in the control hierarchy, such as elimination of work at height or passive protection systems use. If this is not possible, it is recommended to carry out a detailed risk analysis, considering the task specific conditions, and seeking solutions for all the analyzed points.
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