Case Study: Pleura mesothelioma in mechanical welder




mesothelioma, labor inspection, asbestos


This paper is a case study of malignant pleural mesothelioma in a mechanical welder. The objective was to describe the investigation carried out by two labor inspectors due to a complaint made by the union of the workers of the professional category claiming that one retired worker had received pleural mesothelioma diagnosis. The methodology used consisted of a survey in the workplace, where the employee worked for 24 years, interview with the operation manager and with an operation mechanic still active in the establishment. Data was obtained from the company's Health and Safety Service, from the Environmental Risk Prevention Program and the Occupational Health Medical Control Program and from the health checks carried out by the Service. The results of the complementary laboratorial exams to which the worker was submitted were analyzed. It was shown that the pleura malignant mesothelioma was caused by exposure to asbestos fibers during his activities. It is concluded that, due to the exposure to asbestos in several activities other than those traditionally known as hazard, the so-called "controlled use" of this carcinogenic fiber is unfeasible and draws attention to the fact that public health services are prepared to diagnose and to address conduits to workers exposed in the past decades.


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Author Biographies

Mário Parreiras de Faria, Ministério do Trabalho

Auditor Fiscal do Trabalho do Ministério do Trabalho

Especialista em Medicina do Trabalho pela Associação Nacional de Medicina do Trabalho/AMB

Mestre em Saúde Pública (área de concentração Saúde e Trablho) pela Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerai

Francisco Teixeira da Costa, Ministério do Trabalho

Auditor Fiscal do Trabalho

Enngenheiro Mecânico e de Segurança do Trabalho


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How to Cite

de Faria, M. P., & da Costa, F. T. (2018). Case Study: Pleura mesothelioma in mechanical welder. Laborare, 1(1), 119–128.


