The invisibility of domestic work analogous to slavery: a case study of the domestic worker rescued in Elísio Medrado/BA, in 2017


  • Adriana Brasil Vieira Wyzykowski Universidade Federal da Bahia (professora adjunta), lotada na Faculdade de Direito. Vinculação ao Departamento de Direito Privado. Ministra as disciplinas Legislação Social e Direito do Trabalho. Universidade do Estado da Bahia (professora auxiliar), lotada no Campus XIX - Camaçari. Doutora em Jurisdição Constitucional e Novos Direitos pela Universidade Federal da Bahia (UFBA). Mestre em Relações Sociais e Novos Direitos pela Universidade Federal da Bahia (UFBA). Especialista em Direito e Processo do Trabalho pelo Instituto Excelência – Juspodivm.
  • Thaís Lima Ribeiro Universidade do Estado da Bahia (graduação). Graduada em Direito pela Universidade do Estado da Bahia – UNEB. Pós-graduanda em direito, pela UNIDOMBOSCO.



Exploration, Labor analogous to slavery in the domestic sphere, Rescue


The present research, in general, wanted to analyze which factors contributed to the invisibility of the situation of the domestic worker in Elísio Medrado/BA, rescued in 2017, after 40 years in a situation analogous to slavery. The method used is the hypothetico-deductive with case study procedure and documentary technique, mostly through the Public Civil Action (ACP) nº 0000942-40.2018.5.05.0421. As a result, it was found that, in the case under study, the slave labor relationship was disguised by the apparent affection between the worker and the employer, since the enslaved worker lived since she was 4 years old with the family that exploited her. In addition, it was concluded that the factors that contributed to the invisibility of the situation are the fact that the worker is confined in the private sphere of the home and the naturalization of the exploitation of the care work of black workers.


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How to Cite

Brasil Vieira Wyzykowski, A., & Lima Ribeiro, T. (2022). The invisibility of domestic work analogous to slavery: a case study of the domestic worker rescued in Elísio Medrado/BA, in 2017. Laborare, 5(9), 230–252.



Trabalho escravo contemporâneo: faces e interfaces de um problema histórico