Contemporary or Démodé: slave work and civil responsibility in the fashion industry


  • Emerson Sá Universidade Federal do Pará
  • Suzy Koury Centro Universitário do Pará (CESUPA)



Slavery, productive chain, clothing, civil responsibility


The study aims to propose measures of civil liability in the scope of production chains because of the use of contemporary slave labor, with a focus on the clothing sector. For this purpose, the work comprises the approach to the configuration of the production chains in the context of the globalization of work and production, the exposure of working conditions in the clothing chain based on a case study and, finally, the identification of alternatives of responsibility civil society within the value chains that use the degradation of the dignity of the worker in conditions similar to slavery. The research employs the method of inductive approach and presents itself as exploratory as to the objectives, of a qualitative nature and based on bibliographic and documentary procedures, with examination and systematization of texts and official documents, through data collection, registration and analysis. It is concluded that there is a need to stimulate the mapping and the use of legal parameters of joint and several liability of the undertakings that are part of the subcontracting network in the context of slave labor, in line with the nature and severity of the offense and the affected labor rights.


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Author Biographies

Emerson Sá, Universidade Federal do Pará

Doutorando em Direito na Universidade Federal do Pará. Mestre em Direito Ambiental pela Universidade do Estado do Amazonas. Professor de Direito e Processo do Trabalho. Auditor Fiscal do Trabalho.

Suzy Koury, Centro Universitário do Pará (CESUPA)

Doutora em Direito pela Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais. Professora do Programa de Pós-Graduação Stricto Sensu em Direito, Políticas Públicas e Desenvolvimento e do Curso de Graduação em Direito do Centro Universitário do Pará. Desembargadora do Tribunal Regional do Trabalho da 8ª Região.



How to Cite

Sá, E., & Koury, S. (2020). Contemporary or Démodé: slave work and civil responsibility in the fashion industry. Laborare, 3(5), 69–86.


