About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Edited by the Instituto Trabalho Digno, Laborare publishes original scientific papers, subject to double blind peer review, in the following areas related to the promotion of Decent Work: occupational safety and health, labor rights, labour inspection and social sciences and work.

The concept of Decent Work refers to safe and healthy work, adequately remunerated, exercised with equity and social protection, in conditions of freedom, and able to guarantee a dignified life.

Only manuscripts written in English, Portuguese or Spanish will be considered for publication.

This Journal publishes articles, scientific notes or short communications and review papers under request. The papers submitted to Laborare must be original and may not simultaneously submitted to other Journals.

Laborare is an open acess journal published under the CC-BY license.

Peer Review Process

Upon registration, manuscript submitted for review will be assigned to an Editor. The Editor will select two reviewers who are specialists in the area of knowledge of the manuscript. The opinions of those reviewers will be analyzed by the Editor, who will then submit a conclusive opinion on behalf of the Editorial Committee. Any revisions, together with the Editor's conclusive opinion, will return to the authors for corrections, justifications and preparation of a new form. The Edito will then compare the new version of  the manuscript with the original version for final approval. After its acceptance, the manuscript will be subject to grammatical review and the references and the abstract will be verified. Once the manuscript is in final layout format, it will be submitted to the author(s) and the editorial committee for the final corrections. Soon afterwards, the final article will made available on-line and in the printed format in the Laborare journal. 

Preparation of manuscripts

Authors should present the work and explaining its main contributions, as related to the promotion of Decent Work. The letter should indicate that the manuscript has not submitted for publication elsewhere.

Articles and reviews should not exceed 25 double-spaced pages (A4 paper with margins of 3 cm, font Times New Roman size 12, pages and lines numbered sequentially), including tables and figures. The Research Notes should not exceed 12 pages, including tables and figures.

The manuscript should be typed into the Microsoft Word program and double-spaced. The main divisions of the text (e.g. Introduction, Methods, Results and Discussion and Conclusions) should be in uppercase and bold. Scientific notes do not have divisions.

The title of the manuscript must reflect the content of the work and should not have subtitles, abbreviations, formulas or equations and symbols. When the language of the text is in Portuguese or Spanish, it should have the English version below.

The names of the authors and co-authors should be included in the same order in which they appear in the final work. Please do not indicate the authorship of the work in the text of the manuscript.

The Abstract must be written in English and, when applicable, in the language used in the text. It must clearly and concisely state the goal of the research, the methods used and the most relevant results and conclusions. The abstract should not exceed 250 words and should include short sentences that are related to each other. It must not contain references.

The Key Words should not repeat title words. Words must be separated by a comma and begin with lowercase letters, including the first term. The author(s) should provide 3 to 6 terms, taking into account that a term may be composed of two or more words.

The Introduction should consist of no more than two pages. It should include the rationale for conducting the work and reference the importance of the scientific problem. The information contained in the Introduction should be sufficient to clearly establish the goal of the paper. The author(s) should cite recent studies published in scientific journals, however the citation of classical works will be accepted.

Then, the author(s) should present the research results and discuss the relationship of the variables examined to the objectives of the study. The mere comparison of results with the data presented by other authors does not constitute a discussion of the results. Further, authors should avoid excessive speculation.

The Conclusion must answer the question addressed in the research, confirming or not the hypothesis of the work, according to the objectives. The author(s) should be aware that the conclusion is not a summary of the main results.

Only references that are strictly necessary for the understanding of the article should be cited. We recommend around 25 references to articles and scientific notes. The list of references should begin on a new page.

References in footnote or endnote will not be accepted.


In the citations and in the final references (put in alphabetical order) the norm of ABNT - Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas:
NBR 6023: 2002.

Important Recommendations

- The following sources should not be used, except in exceptional situations that the author will justify during the peer review: thesis, dissertations, personal communications, unpublished reports, and papers published in conference annals.
- The primary sources should be privileged, avoiding the use of the intermediate citation (apud).
- Transcripts of any texts of scientific articles or laws should be avoided.
- Do not mention the department, center or university where the research was conducted.
- For the submission submitted online, the names of the author and co-authors must be entered into the system in the same order they appear in the final work.
- Failure to adhere to the standards specified will results in the return of manuscript.